Date posted: 17th October 2023

A safer Kensington

Wardens Newsletter

By now you may have had the pleasure of meeting Opportunity Kensington’s new security wardens, Mustafa and Nick. Since June, they have been actively patrolling Kensington High Street and surrounding areas assisting businesses in reducing crime & anti-social behaviour, and reporting environmental concerns. In collaboration with RBKC and the local police, our Safer Business Programme aims to remove barriers in the reporting of crime and provide strategic oversight of safety and security in the area.

To date, Mustafa and Nick alongside our Security Programme Manager, Balazs, have accomplished some impressive results including:
– Recovering £18,352 of stock to Kensington businesses (average recovery rate of over 65%)
– Conducting over 1,000 wellbeing visits to businesses
– Carrying out over 132 crime reduction activities
– Subscribing 85 local employees to the ShopSafe Alert reporting platform

In future, we’re looking forward to sharing more news on our Safer Business Programme via our website. In the meantime, if you’re a local employee or business owner and would like to receive more information or subscribe to ShopSafe Alert, email Balazs at [email protected]